Monday, October 8, 2012

The Alternative for Inmates and Tax-Payers

An American Statesman article by the Editorial board, discusses the current issues with the medical care that is provided to prison inmates.  The board argues that the option of medical paroles should be granted to prisoners, who don’t pose any threat and need a sufficient amount of medical attention, due to the amount of funding necessary for inmate care.
The “Texans Deserve Relief from Prison Health Care Costs” article speaks about the overwhelming cost that is weighed upon tax-payers, making this directed to the taxpaying population. The Board also speaks about people who agree or disagree to the do the crime, do the time belief, making them the intended audience as well. The fact that this article is published by the Statesman’s editorial board makes this article credible.  This article is filled with facts, numbers and talk about “prison inmates older than 55 are only 8 percent of the prison population but account for 30 percent of the state’s…health care budget.” Other references were added from other articles, as well as remarks from an inmate (Donald Rash). 
One thing that wasn't discussed in great detail was the health care quality that these prisoners are provided with. If tax payers are paying for extra or unnecessary things, maybe we should cut down on certain things which will cut down costs on tax payers. But overall, I would say that I agree with the author, most of these inmates post no threat due to their conditions. On average, it costs $130/day to house an inmate, and that's not including any other extra costs like health care. I can see how releasing some inmates could ultimately save money for Texas' taxpayers.

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